Discussion of BS Johnson’s The Unfortunates; More thoughts on the Vox Pop (Podcast s02e05)

In this episode’s first segment, we offer the first half or our post-reading discussion of BS Johnson’s novel, The Unfortunates. Our second segment continues our discussion of the Vox Pop as a creative critical form and practice.


This episode is available for direct download here.

Check out the podcast on iTunes and subscribe here.

Pre-Reading BS Johnson’s The Unfortunates; Reflecting on the Vox Pop (Podcast s02e04)

We’re back! We open this episode discussing what we’ve been up to this summer. In our first segment, we offer our pre-reading thoughts on BS Johnson’s novel, The Unfortunates. Our second segment focuses on the Vox Pop as a creative critical form and practice.


This episode is available for direct download here.

Check out the podcast on iTunes and subscribe here.